Laura Pentreath

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Equus Major

Equus Major

LP Sitting Lurcher 1 and II

LP Sitting Lurcher 1 and II

Sleeping Lurcher

Sleeping Lurcher

Tawny owl

Tawny owl

Sitting Cheetah

Sitting Cheetah

Sitting Hare

Sitting Hare SOLD

Boxing Hares

Boxing Hares

Strutting Hen

Strutting Hen

Resting Cheetah

Resting Cheetah



Large Labrador head

Large Labrador head SOLD

Duck II

Duck II

Small Labrador Head

Small Labrador Head

Equus Minor

Equus Minor

Horse's Head

Horse's Head

Laura Pentreath lives in West Dorset. Always a keen artist, over the past 10 years or so she has focused on sculpting, studying for a number of years under the talented Dorset sculptress Clare Trenchard.

Specialising in domestic, farm and wild animals which are then cast in either bronze or bronze resin, Laura uses her instinctive understanding of animals to capture their form and movement.

Her exquisite work is rapidly gaining a reputation amongst art collectors, and she has been awarded “very highly commended” on several pieces at the Royal Bath and West Show and the Annual Armed Forces Art Society Exhibition at the Mall Galleries in London.

Her work is on display in various galleries around the UK.